
Our rating: *****

A new evil is abroad is Mossflower woods. Marlfoxes! They are legends themselves and said to be magic. When they make off with Redwall Abbey’s most precious treasure, the tapestry of Martin the Warrior, Song Swifteye and Dann Reguba, children of two great warriors, are joined by Dippler the shrew and Burble the water vole to set off on a dangerous quest to regain the stolen tapestry.

Book eleven of the Redwall series, and the adventures never stop! As usual, Brian Jacques switches between multiple storylines that converge with each other as they near the climax. Florian, the hare, provides comic relief back at Redwall Abbey in some of the most memorable “hare moments” ever, and the questers learn a lot about friendship.

One Response to “Marlfox”

  1. Wow! This book has some great stuff in it. Marlfoxes are really, rather, shall we say, creepy. Dippler is funny, and Sollertree the Hedgehog is wonderful. And his frog, Croickle.

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