The Hero and the Crown
Aerin is the king’s daughter, but the common people didn’t like her mother, so they don’t like her. Not only that, but Aerin’s Royal Gift hasn’t shown up, and all royal people have them. Therefore, she’s shunned by both the peasants and the royalty. Aerin drowns her sorrows in her father’s horse and ancient books. Dragons are a problem in Damar, and with nobody who wants to fight them, they’re getting worse. Then, Aerin discovers a recipe for an ointment that protects the wearer from fire — dragon fire. Armed with this information and some sword lessons, Aerin sets out to fight the dragons.
This is a rather interesting book. Let’s just say that I’ve given you enough to make you want to read it, but The Hero and the Crown goes on, even after you think it’s over. On the surface, this seems like a rather boring plot line, and I’ll admit that it dragged a bit in the beginning. There are also a few areas that are downright weird, and a few that are a little gory (though nothing like Stephen Lawhead’s books). However, that doesn’t stop The Hero and the Crown from being a highly entertaining story with an intricate plot that will keep you turning the pages.
Diddly said:
This book is also a bestest. Robin McKinley is a great author, and this is one of my absolute favourites of hers. Another is Beauty, which is a re-telling of Beauty and the Beast. I reccomend this book to slightly more advanced readers, but please keep in mind that the beginnings of RmK’s books can be a tad slow, so give them two chances – BUT! Once you’re in to them, you’ll never want to come out!! (=
-Diddly Dot, Polkadot