Three-Dollar Mule

Our rating: ***½

Coming home from a neighbor’s house, Don and his sister Jenny see a man beating a mule by the road. Don buys the mule out of pity for three dollars. At home, the mule causes problem after problem. Don’s father wants his son to get rid of the mule any way he can. But Don grows to love the mule and refuses to give him to just anybody.

Three-Dollar Mule is a great book for younger readers. It’s a nice story that is written in a simple manner. I may have enjoyed it more if I had read it when I was in the intended age group, but that’s not to say this story cannot stand the test of time. Three-Dollar Mule remains a good read, best-suited for the younger audience.

One Response to “Three-Dollar Mule”

  1. I loved this book when I was younger. My teacher gave it to me in the third grade and it was one of the best gifts ever. Such a sweet book.

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