The Bones of Makaidos
As war looms in Second Eden, Billy and Elam try to prepare their small army for battle. They desperately need the help of Makaidos, king of the dragons. Before they can call him, two sinister figures arrive to interfere with Elam’s plans, but are they really as bad as they seem?
Meanwhile, Bonnie, Sapphira, Billy’s mother, and Gabriel attempt to open a portal to Second Eden. When enemies attack, causing them to separate, things get even more complicated as Bonnie and Sapphira end up in a strange new dimension. Add to that mix a few unfulfilled prophecies that have been floating around since Raising Dragons, and the stage is set for the final chapter of Oracles of Fire.
It is always difficult to write a review of the final book in a series that you have thoroughly enjoyed. You know it’s the end, and that makes you sad, but you also know that everything will finally be put right. Bryan Davis effectively ties up all the loose ends remaining from both Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire, while still (delightfully) leaving a couple small things hanging. Nothing has disappeared from his usual style which convicts as often as it captivates. Themes of unending love and selfless sacrifice abound, often bringing tears to the eyes of the reader. Although I was sad to see the story end, the final chapter left me grinning from ear to ear.
On July 4th, 2010 at 7:10 am
Introducing The Bones of Makaidos « Clive Staples Award for Christian Speculative Fiction said:
[…] Big, Yodeling Dwarf, 4 the Love of Books. Read reviews of The Bones of Makaidos at Newbie Critics, Incredibooks, The mind and soul of Ian, The Insanity of a Homeschooler. Read the first […]