Posted by Sarah
Categories: Blog, Read-a-Thon
Tags:Eric Reinhold, Read-a-Thon
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Part of our Read-a-Thon 2010 highlight posts.
Today we’re featuring one of our Read-a-Thon 2010 sponsors, Eric Reinhold. (Check out the interview we did last year!) Mr. Reinhold writes Christian fantasy and already has released two books in his series, The Annals of Aeliana, with more on the way! Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by Jordan
Categories: Blog, Read-a-Thon
Tags:Bryan Davis, Donita K. Paul, Eric Reinhold, sponsors
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If you’ve been following events around here recently, you know that Incredibooks is hosting a Read-a-Thon. We’d like to say thank you to the three authors who have graciously agreed to offer their books as prizes. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by Sarah
Categories: Adventure, All Ages, Fantasy, Fiction, Review
Tags:Animals, Annals of Aeliana, Eric Reinhold, Foxes, leopards, raccoons
Our rating: 

One night Ryann Watters is visited by the angel Gabriel and assigned the task of finding the king’s sword. He is given three objects to help him in his quest: a ring, a horn, and a staff. However, that same night Drake Dunfellow, a boy living in the same town, is visited by a dark angel who charges him to stop Ryann. Join Ryann and his friends Liddy and Terell as they travel to and from the world of Aeliana; meet new friends; discover the powers of the ring, horn, and staff; and eventually are swept into a clash of good and evil where only one side can be victorious.
I enjoyed this book. At the climax I didn’t want to put it down! Figuring out how to handle the parent characters in stories like these can be a challenge for an author (I know from experience) and I think Eric Reinhold pulled it off nicely. Overall a good read, and I am looking forward to when the sequel, Ryann Watters and the Shield of Faith, comes out! (As a note, I went ahead and categorized this book for all ages, but I would recommend it for readers somewhere around 10 and up.)
Posted by Jordan
Categories: Blog
Tags:Eric Reinhold, FFT-Interviews, interview
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(Seventh in a series of interviews with the Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour authors.)

Eric Reinhold ( lives in Longwood, Florida with his wife and three children. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, and he is a certified financial planner. His first book, Ryann Watters and the King’s Sword is his first, and the first in the Annals of Aeliana series. Recently, Incredibooks did an e-mail interview with Mr. Reinhold.
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