Posted by Sarah
Categories: Adventure, All Ages, Fiction, Review
Tags:Animals, Cats, Freddy the Pig, Horses, Martians, Moles, Pigs, Walter R. Brooks
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Freddy the pig and Jinx the cat (along with their steeds, Bill the goat and Cy the pony) are all ready to go on a trip, when a call for help arrives from Uncle Ben. He has plans for a flying saucer, given to him by the Martians, but can’t begin work on a saucer because tons of spies are following him everywhere, trying to obtain the prized plans. It’s time for Freddy to step in and lend a hand, er, trotter.
Freddy is back! There is a fun plot twist, and tons of spies all fighting each other for the plans. An enjoyable new character, Samuel the mole, is introduced. I especially like the part with him at the end.
Posted by Jordan
Categories: All Ages, Fiction, Mysteries, Review, Science Fiction
Tags:Daniel Manus Pinkwater, Easy Read, Funny, Martians, Out of Print, Quick Read
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A dastardly crime has happened in Vienna! Somebody has stolen all the muffins. Inspector Charles LeChat enlists the help of Mozart, who likes nothing better than to solve mysteries and compose music. A great story with crazy off the wall elements of an extraterrestrial, the odd peasant, and Gorganzola muffins!
I love Daniel Pinkwater’s books. All his books are very funny, with very weird (but easily followed) plots that always end in some goofy fashion. Unfortunately, The Muffin Fiend is out of print, so you have to buy it used. See our Book Tips page for pointers on how to find out of print books.
Posted by Rebekah
Categories: Adventure, All Ages, Mysteries, Review, Science Fiction
Tags:Animals, Freddy the Pig, Funny, Martians, Pigs, Rats, Walter R. Brooks
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Herb Garble, Mrs. Underdunk’s brother, is traveling with Boomschmidt’s circus, where he is exhibiting what he claims are live Martians. Freddy and the gang are sure something’s wrong, and while they are trying to figure out how to expose the Martians without hurting Mr. Boom’s reputation, the rats show up again. It’s packed full of fun, adventure, and plenty of the circus animals.
This is a pretty good Freddy book. Simon’s back, of course, and he’s not my favorite character. Although, since he’s the badguy, he’s not supposed to be your favorite character. Anyway, the rabbits’ club, The Horribles, is in this one, and eventually some real Martians come in their flying saucer. The Martians play a big part in Freddy and the Baseball Team from Mars, and also Freddy and the Flying Saucer Plans.
Posted by Jordan
Categories: Adventure, All Ages, Fiction, Incredibook!, Mysteries, Review, Science Fiction
Tags:Animals, Freddy the Pig, Funny, Martians, Pigs, Sports, Walter R. Brooks
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Squeak-Squeak the Martian disappears from Mr. Boomschimdt’s circus. Freddy the pig is called in to find him, but even he isn’t expecting that the other Martians don’t want him to help. In disguise as an old man, Mr. Arquebus, Freddy organizes a Martian baseball team. But when Mr. Anderson, a.k.a. Mr. Eha (the dangerous house haunting real estate man of Freddy Goes Camping fame), shows up at the games, Freddy knows something’s up.
I loved this Freddy book and couldn’t put it down. Absolutely hilarious! Freddy gets to be in disguise for almost the whole story. The baseball games are funny, too. Freddy uses his favorite Irish woman disguise, as he always does in the best Freddy books. The A. B. I. returns, and that usually spells a good Freddy mystery.
Posted by Jordan
Categories: All Ages, Fiction, Review, Science Fiction
Tags:Daniel Manus Pinkwater, Easy Read, Funny, Good Read Aloud, Martians
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William’s tooth filling is picking up radio signals that he can control by clenching his teeth, putting metal objects in his mouth, and covering the tooth with his tongue. Then he hears some space men talking, and then the aliens suck him into their ship! They plan on invading earth to eat all the junk food! What will William do?
Loved it! It’s very funny and dramatic (if that’s at all possible). I wish it was bit longer, though.