
Our rating: ***½

Now that Anna and Caleb’s father is married to Sarah, a new problem arises: drought. More and more neighbors pack up and leave. Will the rain come in time, or will they have to leave too?

As with the book before this, Sarah, Plain and Tall, this isn’t one of my favorites. As a warning, one of Sarah’s aunts goes skinny-dipping, but nothing really bad comes of it.

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Our rating: ***

Out in the country of early America, Anna and Caleb’s father puts an ad in the newspaper for a wife. His previous wife died not long after Caleb’s birth. A woman named Sarah answers the ad and comes to live with them for a month for a trial period. But often she misses the sea, where she came from. Will Sarah stay, or will she return to the sea?

A somewhat simple, short story. I read Sarah, Plain and Tall in about an hour, if I remember correctly. This book might be a little better for people younger than me. It’s alright, but not my favorite. Oh, and Sarah, Plain and Tall is the beginning of a trilogy. There are two more books after this one.