Read-a-Thon Update

Wow. I can’t say much more than that. As of right now, we have read 67,704 pages between all three participating forums! At this rate, we will have no problem smashing up the records for every past year.

If you haven’t joined the Read-a-Thon yet, there is still a little time to sign up and get going! Just visit the sign up page for more information. (And why wouldn’t you sign up? We have prizes!)

Also, we have t-shirts for this year! We’re thrilled to be able to keep the same pricing as last year. These great shirt designs are available now for only $13.99, and that includes shipping in the US! Personally, I’m eyeing the green one. :-D

Happy reading!

Let’s Get the Word Out!

All right, pay attention!

We’ve been absolutely showered with prizes. I’ve lost count of how many books we’ve got coming. Some of them are sets and signed copies. It’s unbelievable!

Anyway. Given the showers of blessing on our efforts, we need to shove this program over the edge and multiply it. Simply put, we need more participants! And there’s only one way we’re going to get more participants… promotion! Read the rest of this entry »

Announcing Read-a-Thon 2011!

Hello all!

We have something very exciting to announce to you all.

In the wake of my announcement that Incredibooks would be shortening the Read-a-Thon to just July this year, RoadtoGrinnell (a former participant) proposed a summer reading program to the forum team over at Holy Worlds. Her plan was to host an event based off of the Summer Read-a-Thon we’d been doing here at Incredibooks. When we heard about it, we gave the Holy Worlds teams our blessing, but it didn’t take long for the teams from both forums to wonder why we didn’t just join forces. Which we promptly did. Read the rest of this entry »

Read-a-Thon 2010 Shirts Now Available

Limited Edition Read-a-Thon 2010 t-shirts are now available. Only $13.99, including US shipping! For more details and to order yours, visit the Read-a-Thon shirts page.

Read-a-Thon 2010 Shirts

Hey everybody!

We’ve been working on getting some Read-a-Thon shirts for you, and we can do them if we get enough orders to cover our minimum purchase.

So, would you buy a shirt like the ones below (available in navy blue or chocolate brown) for $13.99, which includes US shipping?

Here’s a mock-up of what they’ll look like:

Here’s a closer look at the design:

If enough people say yes, we’ll make them and take orders.