Winter Holiday

Our rating: *****

Dick and Dorothea are staying at Dixon’s farm for their winter holiday. So when they meet the Swallows and Amazons, it’s time for some imaginative adventures! The itinerary? Expedition to the North Pole. The problem? The lake hasn’t frozen yet, and nobody can properly make an expedition to the North Pole without a frozen lake. Will the lake freeze in time? Find out in this excitement-packed fourth Swallows and Amazons book.

I’ve never been a big fan of winter. But when I finished this book, I almost wished I was. The children have so much fun and do so many exciting things that even I, a self-proclaimed winter humbug, couldn’t help wishing I was with them. There’s not really anything to complain about here, either, making this one of my favorites in the Swallows and Amazons series and a book that’s easy to recommend.

The Snowy Day

Our rating: ****½

One day, Peter wakes up and sees snow out his window. He spends the day making funny tracks, building a snowman, and making snow angels.

The Snowy Day is a very enjoyable book about all the fun things to do when it snows. It makes a great read-aloud and will have you wishing for a snowfall so you can play, too.