Jo’s Boys
In this, the final book chronicling the March family and their doings, Plumfield has grown up amazingly. They even have a college! The group of children from Little Men (the second book), star in this book, and are now young adults. Nan has become a promising doctor, Bess is more graceful and queenly then ever, Dan is still energetic and spontaneous, and many of the others are doing well. Jo’s Boys follows all of these young adults through their lives, ambitions, and yes, loves. Filled with humor and realistic experiences, this is a fitting climax to these wonderful books.
(Whew!) These books are hard to write reviews for! It must be a Louisa May Alcott thing. There is such an abundance of believability in them, mixed with humor and tragedy. And they follow so many different characters. But don’t think they’re confusing, on the contrary, they feel very natural and enjoyable. They can seem so real! Jo’s Boys itself is a fun book, hard to describe, but still great. Please read it, it is not to be missed.
Kristen J said:
My ofinion is that if you read this book your wasting your breath and time.