Fox in Socks
In a series of increasingly more difficult tongue twisters, a Fox tries to find something that Mr. Knox can say.
If you can’t say “Fox in socks on Knox in box” ten times fast, your tongue may need lubrication. What better way than to read straight through Seuss’ book without one mistake? Take courage, though. The book ends with a (relatively) easy section on Tweedle Beetles.
Ruth said:
I love reading Fox in Socks aloud! My favorite one is the Tweedle Beetle Battle with the paddles in the bottle and a poodle eating noodles…
Sarah said:
Hilarious! That one with the fleas and sneeze and trees and cheese… whew!
Jordan said:
You forgot Luke Luck and his Duck!
Ruth said:
Oh, and the one where Ben’s broom bends, and Bim’s broom breaks!
Jordan said:
No, they both break! “Bim’s bent broom breaks. Ben’s bent broom breaks.”