Redwall Book 19 is coming!

We don’t know the title yet, but Brian Jacques’ next book is going to be another installment of the Redwall series!

Across the seas comes Vizka Longtooth with a crew of Searaiders, and a captive badger. Bound for plunder and conquest. The aged Badger Lord of Salamandastron sends forth a haremaid, questing for his successor. A young thief exiled from Redwall. A Brownrat chieftain, with his savage horde, is ravaging Mossflower country. The fates of many creatures, both good and evil, are caught up in this saga of war and destiny. Over the cold Northern Isles, across the heaving seas, sweeping through forest and plain, from the badger mountain to the ancient stones of Redwall Abbey, the warcry thunders out… Eulaliiiiaaaaaaa!

Coming this fall!

7 Responses to “Redwall Book 19 is coming!”

  1. The book title is “Eulalia!”

  2. Oh! That makes sense. Thank you very much!

  3. CANNOT WAIT!!! YAY a new redwall book!!

  4. Finally I know!

  5. I wonder what the next one will be called

  6. I read Eulaliaaa already.. When is the next book gonna come out??!!~~ I WANT IT NOW!!!!~~

  7. Actually, Doomwyte, book 20, will be out in six days!

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