Abandoned, crippled, and bearing no more of a name than “Freckles,” a young man takes upon himself the job of guarding the Limberlost forest. It’s a big task, requiring courage and stamina, but Mr. McLean, the boss of the lumber company, consents to give him a chance. During his work in the months to come, Freckles befriends the bird woman, an avid photographer, and he meets a beautiful girl whom he calls his swamp angel. But Black Jack the timber thief has his eye on several of the most valuable trees, and he will stop at nothing to steal them.
This is really quite a good book, and I’m afraid it gets overlooked more often than not. I love following Freckles’ journey as he learns to love the forest and the creatures that live there, and all the events which come about through his time there. Written in an older style (all the chapters are titled “In Which…”) but not short on adventure, Freckles is well worth reading. Give it a try, and prepare to be swept off to the Limberlost.