The King’s Swift Rider

Our rating: *****

Martin Crawford helps a hunted man to escape his pursuers, and later the man he assisted comes to his house by chance, seeking shelter. His mother recognizes the man as Robert the Bruce, King of Scots, and offers her two sons, Martin and his older brother Sean to fight in his army in the war for the freedom of Scotland against the English. While Sean enjoys fighting, Martin has no taste for such things, and the king chooses Martin to be his page. Martin and his brother quickly come to admire their king as the others in the army admire him when the king wins a battle against a larger force.

The King’s Swift Rider, being about a war in the 14th century, does well in adding a story to historical events. As a warning, there is some bad language, but the story is very good and has some unexpected twists. Very enjoyable, and highly recommended.