There is evil abroad in Mossflower Wood. Slagar the masked fox and his band of slavers are on their way to Redwall Abbey. Their purpose? To capture the only son of Redwall’s warrior. When Matthias finds that they have taken his son, he and the others from Redwall set out on a dangerous quest to slay the Masked One and bring back the stolen young ones.
This is one of the darker Redwall stories, there are some really creepy characters. Still a good story. Just don’t read it late at night if you’re subject to “night-time creepy syndrome.” You can click here to do the Mattimeo Crossword Puzzle.
Jordan said:
If you love scaring yourself, though, this is a good one to read at night.
jc said:
hmm for me this is my least favorite redwall book. i dunno, i just couldn’t get into it and i found that it moved rather slow. but as always with me, if i try it again a couple months later i find that i love it hahaha…so i’ll try it again sometime but that was my first impression anyways.