Pinky Pye

Our rating: ****

The Pye family, complete with Ginger and Gracie, were going to spend the summer on Fire Island! Once there, they find an “abandid” kitten named Pinky. The Pyes decide to keep her. They find out she has unusual talents, such as boxing with Ginger and even typing on their typewriter! Uncle Bennie came to Fire Island with them and develops an interest in crickets and grasshoppers. He starts keeping them as pets and Rachel will put them, inside their cricket and or grasshopper box, up in the eaves. But when they start disappearing… what’s up?

This is a great book. You can probably guess what’s up, so I didn’t categorize it as a mystery. Still, Pinky’s cute and I like the epilogue.

3 Responses to “Pinky Pye”

  1. Same here! I laugh every time I read the epilogue.

  2. this book is like a mystery to me everytime i read it.

  3. I loved this book. It is Hilarious.”abandid”

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