Tik-Tok of Oz
Queen Ann Soforth is tired of ruling Oogaboo, a small corner of Oz, and so she forms an army of seventeen of her eighteen male subjects and sets out to conquer the world. Meanwhile, Betsy Bobbin and Hank the mule are shipwrecked and meet the Shaggy Man, who is looking for his long lost brother; The rose princess Ozga, who has been exiled; Polychrome, the rainbow’s daughter; and Tik-Tok, the clockwork man. The two parties meet up on the way to rescue the Shaggy Man’s brother from the evil Nome King.
This is not my favorite Oz book, but it’s high on my list. Dorothy does not enter the story until near the end, but Tik-Tok of Oz contains the same humor and story characteristics as many other Oz books. L. Frank Baum’s humor will appeal to all, and several of his jokes are funny in multiple ways, so you may find a joke funny, and then read it a year later and notice something about the same passage that’s hilarious. I love writers who can make all ages laugh in different ways. Also a high point, the Nome King returns, and he’s the best Oz bad guy in the series.
Sarah said:
A love magnet, a tunnel, a dragon and a bunch of other things = a fun, adventure-packed story! A good book.