These High, Green Hills

Our rating: *****

Now that Father Tim and Cynthia are married (you knew they would), they have to adjust to life together. Plus, Father Tim has a brand new set of things to deal with. He can’t figure out Lord’s Chapel’s new computer system, Cynthia is redecorating and moving furniture, J. C. Hogan is acting strange, he’s got to hire a chaplain for Hope House, and he and Cynthia have a life-changing experience while camping.

Whew! Father Tim is a very busy man! The third book in the Mitford series is just as enjoyable as the first two. Everybody is as real as before. I love this series, and I hope you will, too.

A New Song

Our rating: ****

Only six months after Father Tim officially retired from the Lord’s Chapel, he has decided to go down to Whitecap for an interim stay. Everything seems to go well, from Uncle Billy and Aunt Rose’s goodbye party to the car Cynthia gives him. (A red convertable. Specifically, a Mustang GT.) But soon troubles threaten. While Father Tim and Cynthia are in Whitecap, everything bad that could happen back in Mitford happens. Gene Bolick collapses, Dooley ends up in jail, and Father’s Tim’s angel statue disappears. Faced with a decision, Father Tim must either return to Mitford or remain with his new friends in Whitecap.

Yet another great book. It’s so hard deciding what to mention in the review, as the complexity of the characters would take three or four pages (at least) to describe! I really enjoyed this one, with all of those new people! It was very hard to put down. I strongly encourage you to read the Mitford series. (A rainy day would be perfect! Just don’t spill your hot chocolate.)

A Light in the Window

Our rating: *****

Father Tim is now sure of his feeling towards Cynthia, his neighbor, but is having trouble getting up the nerve to take the next step. Edith Mallory hovers like a dark cloud on the horizon, and there is some worry as to whether or not The Grill will be able to remain open after its rent is doubled. Add to this Buck Leeper, a job construction superintendent who can be very hostile, and that trouble that Dooley’s getting into, and you have a great Mitford story!

I couldn’t put this, or any other Mitford book down for anything, (unless you include eating, chores, and, well, maybe sleeping) and if I did put it down, I was back as soon as possible. In my review, I only covered a few of the things going on. Mitford is a great series, and this is a great book.

At Home in Mitford

Our rating: *****

Father Tim is the local rector in the small town of Mitford, living a normal life. Well, as normal as life can be with a dog the size of a Buick following you, a potentially valuable painting, a mysterious break-in, a hostile young boy arriving at your doorstep, a new neighbor, and an epic dinner party.

Once you enter the world of Mitford, you’ll never want to leave! The characters are so real, and everything is written in a humorous light. Jan Karon possesses a rare talent of making you actually laugh out loud while reading. When you finish this book, you’ll have to grab the next one, wishing the series never ended.