J. R. R. Tolkien
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (no wonder he stuck to J. R. R.), was a Professor at Oxford. He was part of a group of authors who met twice a week to discuss their books. A few of them, including Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, decided to start a project of writing books with Biblical parallels in them, while remaining fantasy stories. Thus was born The Lord of the Rings. Originally one volume, Tolkien split the book into a trilogy when publishers told him it was too long (they should read Moby Dick). Recently, The Lord of the Rings was made into an epic motion picture, which follows the books rather well, with a few exceptions of omissions and side plots not in the books. J. R. R. Tolkien also wrote several other less famous books. He died in 1973.
Books by J. R. R. Tolkien
- The Silmarillion
- The Hobbit
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Two Towers
- The Return of the King
- Smith of Wootton Major
- The Farmer Giles of Ham
- The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
- Tree and Leaf
- The Father Christmas Letters
- Ancrene Wisse
- The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth, Beorhthelm’s Son
- Roverandom