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That would be most appreciated, yes. Although, as the administrator, I can see who has registered, and I can tell you that almost all members who have come online have posted something in the Read-a-Thon thread, so we’re probably good.
DaughterofLight in the Read-a-Thon Thread
Umm I was wondering if fanfics or someones story online count???
No, books count toward your page count only if they are published. Otherwise, there’s nothing that keeps you from writing something, reading it, and then posting that you’ve read it.
Does this mean an unpublished book or story by you counts in the read-a-thon?
Sorry, I should have been a bit more clear. The reason that we can’t allow fanfic or somebody’s story online is because if we did, then there would be nothing to stop you from writing something of your own and reading it. So, no, an unpublished book or story by you does not count.
Would “The Lie” by Ken Ham count? (I’m assuming it would because “Do Hard Things” counted.)
Oh, yes. That counts.
Attention everybody! The Read-a-Thon has a cut-off join date of August 15th. If you have not entered yet and would like to, please do so soon, because if you try to join after August 15th, we will not accept your entry. If you are already in the Read-a-Thon, you can keep recording your books read, but nobody new will be able to join.
Gee, tho’, that’s really close to the end! Perhaps you should make an entry deadline closer to the start, like a month afterwords; that way we wouldn’t be surprised by any billion pagers, and we’d all have a fair chance at this thing.
Well, it’s already been a month past, and we’d like to give people a fair warning. But maybe we can move it back a little more. We’ll think about it. Good point, Pip.
Quote from Owan in 2nd Annual Read-a-Tho thread: “Today’s the last day?”
Actually, it ends August 31st. So we’ve still got another month!
I thought it was June-July… *blush* Bad memory… I should read this thread more
Wait, what day does this end? I thought it ended Aug. 15th? as an example: Could we keep posting until say…midnight on the 15th or would it techincally end on the 14th?
Actually it ends on August 31–the fifteenth is the cutoff date for people who haven’t joined yet.
I don’t know the answer to your question, though…
The Read-a-Thon ends at midnight on August 31st, with a cutoff date for people who haven’t joined yet. So you can keep posting until midnight on August 31st.
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